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100次浏览     发布时间:2023-05-06 17:44:30    


You smile like good weather.

二,下次你路过 人间已无我.

The next time you pass by, there's no me.

三,风月都好看 爱恨皆浪漫.

The wind and the moon are all beautiful, love and hate are romantic.


Unknown suffering, do not believe in God and Buddha

五,心中有丘壑 眉目作山河.

There are hills and valleys in my heart, and my eyebrows are mountains and rivers.


The world is a good place.


Keep the clouds open and see the moon

八,山谷明月光 流萤皆仿徨.

The bright moonlight of the valley is full of fireflies.


I don't know spring when I am old.

十,你自月中来 星飒云中雾.

You come from the middle of the moon, the stars in the clouds, the fog.

十一,我本人间无心人 何处相逢惹浮沉

I have no intention of meeting anyone in person

十二,春风秋月冬雪松 留得残荷听雨声.

Spring breeze, autumn moon, winter cedar leaves the residual load to listen to the sound of rain.

十三,凛冬散尽 星河长明

Winter scatters the stars and the river grows bright

十四,玻璃晴朗 橘子辉煌

The glass is clear and the oranges are brilliant

十五,持续性难过 爆炸式快乐

Persistent sadness, explosive happiness

十六,我不知道将去何方 但我已在路上

I don't know where I'm going but I'm on my way

十七,善恶两端 喜忧参半

Good and evil are mixed at both ends

十八,天上星河转 人间帘幕垂

In the sky, the galaxy turns to the human curtain

十九,青山一片云雾 心安即归处

The green hills are clouded and the heart is safe

二十,生生灯火 明暗无辄

The lights are bright and dark

二十一,山川寥寥 人烟浩浩

There are few people in the mountains and rivers

二十二,桃李不言 下自成蹊

Peaches and plums do not have to talk, but the world beats a path to them.


I give up anything that makes me uncertain

二十四,愿岁并谢 与长友兮

May you be old and thank you for your long friends

二十五,我与春风皆过客 你携秋水揽星河

I and the spring breeze are passing by, you take the autumn water to take the galaxy